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Tag: fence FAQ

Why A Fence Is Necessary For Pet Owners

Regardless of what type of pet you own, there’s one thing that you share: you always want what’s best for them! It’s why you splurge on high-quality toys, food, and other accessories for them and post them to social media constantly. Ensuring that your pet has the best lifestyle possible means taking care of them throughout all aspects of life. If you’re a residential homeowner with a pet, one of your must-have items should always be a fence! We’ll show you why dog and cat owners need a fence for their yards below!

It Prevents Your Pets From Running Away

Ask any dog or cat owner if they’ve had an experience with their pet breaking out – we’re willing to bet that many will have a story! One of the biggest perks of having a fence is ensuring that your pets don’t have the opportunity to escape. You can let them out into the yard without the fear of them cutting loose, which helps improve their quality of life as well! Don’t spend hours searching for your pet after they run off. With a residential fence, they have an inviting outdoor space without much of the risk!

It Prevents Predators From Accessing Your Yard

Regardless of what type of climate you live in, it should go without saying that there’s going to be some form of wildlife that is hazardous for your pets. Whether they be coyotes, raccoons, wolves, or bears, you can’t leave your furry friend to chance against them. Regardless of material, a fence provides optimal protection from all types of critters. Not only does it remove the danger of your pet getting out, but it prevents anything unwanted from getting in. Preserving your pet’s life starts with giving them the best protection possible, and that’s exactly what a new fence can provide!

They’re More Humane For Dogs And Cats

While invisible fencing is effective for keeping dogs and cats within your property walls, it’s not exactly the safest practice for them. Dogs and cats can develop a bad association with these fences, making them less likely to want to go outside! When you install a new fence, it makes life easier for your furry friend. It helps them to learn where your property boundaries are without the negative reinforcement or training required to do so.

Keep Your Pets Safe & Healthy With Fences Unlimited

If you’re looking to keep your pets safe and healthy, Fences Unlimited can help make it easier for you! Our residential fencing options provide optimal security, privacy, and property value boosts for homeowners across New Hampshire! Keeping your pets safe is a necessity, which means that a new fence should be, too. Contact us today to secure yours!

What Defines A Fence’s Property Value?

Property value is arguably one of the most important concepts to consider for your home. If you’re ever thinking about moving to a different location, property values can help you determine what you’ll get for it on the market – and it could make your life at that property far easier! There are plenty of ways to increase your home’s property value through exterior renovations; installing a new fence is one such example. How much value you’ll add to your property by doing so will depend on a variety of factors. We go over what they are below!

Fence Material

The material your fence is made from is one of the biggest factors in its overall quality. Because these materials give off different appearances and aesthetics, it should go without saying that they’re a determining factor for your property value! This is because of a factor in property value called curb appeal – essentially if your home looks nice from standing on a street curb, its overall value is bound to go up. More expensive fencing materials like aluminum and vinyl will gain bigger property value yields than those that are cheaper.


When you look at the needs of prospective home buyers, privacy is among the top priorities for them. Homeowners generally have greater peace of mind if they can relax on their properties without the fear of people spying on them. The more privacy that your fence offers, the more attractive it will look to buyers and the more money you’ll be able to fetch for it. Fence material plays a big role here as well – for example, wood fencing offers much more privacy than a standard chain-link fence.


It’s no secret that any homeowner desires to feel safe within their own homes. Having the proper security measures is paramount for this purpose! While an alarm system or deadbolts are effective options for security, your protection should have multiple layers to ensure that no intruders can infiltrate your space. This is just another one of the ways that a fence increases property value! Fences add additional security to your property, making it more difficult for intruders or pests to access your yard. They’ll allow your family, friends and pets to relax freely without fear of intervention.

Improve Property Value With Fences Unlimited

Getting the biggest property value additions from new fencing means working with a fence installation company with years of experience in doing it the right way. Fences Unlimited can install a wide variety of types of residential and commercial fencing to improve your home’s safety, aesthetics, and property value. To secure the best of these benefits for your MA or NH property, click here to contact us directly!

A Guide To Popular Types of Fencing

Installing a new fence requires a lot of time and effort in order to get it right. Most of that effort will come before the installation process ever begins. You’ll need to consider things like the dimensions of your property, the sturdiness of each material, your home’s specific needs, and what your budget looks like. In the case of fencing types, this is a question that can be answered with a little research! There are a ton of reliable fencing materials out there, but which one is best for your home? There are a few that are worth noting – see the best materials below!

Vinyl Fencing

Among the more cost-effective fencing materials out there is vinyl fencing. Not only is the material maintenance-free, but it’s also a relatively cheap material to install. Vinyl fencing also comes in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes. Vinyl fencing can help you save in more ways than one, as the attractiveness and customization options can add a lot to your curb appeal!

Wood Fencing

Wood is highly weather resistant and doesn’t rot easily. It won’t completely break your bank, and you can customize it however you’d like after installing it. Especially for a climate as unpredictable as New England’s, having a material proven to withstand the elements is a paramount quality. The wood also ages fantastically, leaving you with increased curb appeal without the work!

Chain Link Fencing

Chain link fencing is among the most versatile fencing materials available. Take a drive around town and look at the various homes, sporting arenas, and parks you see on your route. What’s the one thing that they all have in common? They all use chain link fencing! It’s a popular choice for many applications for a reason, as it’s one of the most reliable and sturdy materials that you’ll see on the market. Chain link fencing is a material you can install on your own as well – we can provide you with the appropriate materials and instructions!

Fence Installation with Fences Unlimited

Fences Unlimited carries chain link, wood, and vinyl fencing options that look fantastic on any home! We can install the material for you or provide you with the means to do it yourself. We’ll help improve your property’s value and give you clearly defined lines that protect your space. To secure this unique value for your home, click here to contact us directly!

How A Fence Increases Property Value

A fence is a necessary addition to your home! There are plenty of great reasons to install a fence on your property. One of the big reasons for installing a fence has to do with increasing your home’s property value. Many of the other upgrades you can make will be significantly more expensive, but a fence is a great way to add some worthwhile value to your home! How does a fence increase your property value? We break down the reasons why below!

Increased Curb Appeal

A big part of your home’s value has to do with its curb appeal. If it doesn’t make a positive impression, it’s not a good sign! Installing a fence can help you boost your property’s appeal. It gives your property a clearly defined line that separates it from your neighbors and helps to showcase a contained space. You can install many fencing materials that look decorative as well, giving your home an enhanced appearance. 

Increased Security

Perhaps one of the most important things that a prospective homeowner will look for when choosing their new property is how secure it is. Nobody is going to want a home that is unsafe! A fence gives your home an extra line of defense between it and potential intruders. It can be especially attractive to homeowners with pets, as the fence acts as a barrier between your property and local wildlife. Local wildlife can pose a danger to your pets, which is one of the reasons why security can give your property a significant upgrade!

Material Used

The material your fence is made out of can play a huge role in your home’s property value! When you’re selecting your fencing materials, you should choose those that match the aesthetics of your home. For example, if your home uses mostly brick for it’s foundation, a vinyl fence or ornamental fence would go great with it. Those that use wood or fiber-cement siding would benefit from a wooden or vinyl fence around their property.

Residential Fencing With Fences Unlimited

If you’re looking to install residential fencing around your home, Fences Unlimited can give you the best possible options! We’ve spent years helping homeowners increase their property value, security, and aesthetics with stunning new fence designs. If you want to help your home achieve these same benefits, click here to request a free estimate!

How Fences Help Keep Your Garden Growing

While growing a garden can be a rewarding experience if you do it properly, there are plenty of obstacles that could hinder you along the way. There are plenty of problems that are outside of your control, such as the weather, but there are also those that you can work to prevent before they happen! Installing a fence around your garden is an effective solution to many of the challenges you’ll face when growing a new garden. But how exactly can a fence benefit your garden? We break it down for you below!

It Provides A Barrier To Animals

If you were to ask a group of gardeners what the number one danger to a healthy garden is, what do you think they would say? Sure, there are probably a few that would point to weather, but the vast majority of gardeners would agree that animals are the biggest issue! Wildlife like deer feed off of these plants to survive, which means that they’ll likely come for your garden if it isn’t fortified. Adding a fence to your garden prevents any of the deer from getting in and messing with your garden’s foundations.

It Softens The Wind

Especially in an area as volatile in weather as New England, you need to prepare for anything that Mother Nature can throw at your garden. This includes high-velocity winds that have the potential to rip apart your plants from the roots up! This is where adding a fence to your garden poses additional benefits. The fence essentially acts as a wall around your garden, which helps to protect plant life from the worst of the winds. Wind can’t blow directly into the garden, making it harder for your plants to uproot.

It Creates A Dividing Line

One thing that you may not have thought about before planting your garden is how your neighbors could potentially interfere with it. Do you have a clear dividing line between your garden and the garden of your neighbor? If not, it could spell disaster for your plants! This is especially true if your neighbors are growing plants with different requirements than your own. A fence creates a dividing line between your property and your neighbor’s, which helps to prevent any cross-contamination.

Fence Installation With Fences Unlimited

Regardless of your reasoning for installing a fence, Fences Unlimited can provide you with the most structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing fence designs for your home! They help provide security and boost your home’s curb appeal, helping to prevent problems before they happen. To reap the benefits of a new fence for your home, click here to contact us directly!

Are Wood Fences Waterproof?

When it comes to deciding what fence material to install at your home there are many options to weigh.  Anything from maintenance and cost to look and longevity.  While there may not be a one size fits all, the time and effort down the road you will spend maintaining your fence is a key part in any homeowners decision.  

Benefits of a Wood Fence

There are many questions when it comes to wood fences and their maintenance.  There are many benefits when it comes to wood fencing.  Wood fencing offers versatility with its various styles and beautiful finishes.  Stains, wood, and height can all alter the image of a wood fence.  Between gates and fences there are many to choose from such as classic picket, privacy, split-rail, post and rail, stackpole, and shadowbox.  

Maintenance of a Wood Fence

If you are leaning towards picking a wood fence over the other options it is important to understand how the maintenance will look.  Having a solid maintenance plan in place will keep your wood fence from cracks, warping, and rot. Wood is wood and needs to be treated and sealed to keep its beauty.  Whether you have stain or paint on your fence there is sealant on your fence.  Water can be the main contributor to damage to your wood fence that is why it is important to pay attention to your sealant.  If the water beads off your wood fence then that shows strength in your sealant.
Does this all mean that wood fences are waterproof? Resilient is a better word when it comes to it.  As nothing is totally indestructible to the elements of our harsh weather in the New England area.  Here are some tips to help you maintain the beauty of your wood fence.  

  1. Watch for Wear: It is always vital to keep an eye on your fence and how it is holding up. Especially before and after each season.  The different types of weather can cause different types of damage.  If you do happen to find any issues it is important to tend to them as soon as possible to avoid long term damage.  
  2. Limit Moisture: Water is no doubt the enemy of wood for sure.  When focusing on your yard as a whole it is recommended to keep your water sprinklers away from your wood fence.  Same goes for landscaping and plants growing up against your fence.  Landscaping can cause permanent warps and chips in your fence leaving critical damage.  
  3. Cleaning is Key: If you ever notice any mold, mildew, or dirt on your fence it is best practice to clean it right away.  Pressure washing your fence can be an easier alternative to get your fence cleaned quickly and efficiently.  Of course with water being a big enemy to wood fences it is recommended to seek a professional to pressure wash your fence.  
  4. Maintain Stain or Sealant: Stain or seal can lose its strength ever so often due to the elements.  It is important to restrain your fence every two to four years to keep up with it.  This will also keep your fence beautiful and fresh.  Keeping your investment alive and well for many more years.  

Contact Fences Unlimited

If you are looking into installing or repairing a wood fence our expert team is here to lend a hand.  With our wide range of fence selection we can help you find the perfect fit to tie your yard together.  For more information on wood fences do not hesitate to contact us at 800-892-0456 for a free onsite quote or by filling out a contact form on our website.